Suffering From Anal Fissure. Given Stool Softener LOX Jelly. Suggest Natural Remedy For Permanent Cure Instead Of Surgery?
He gave a stool softener and 2% LOX jelly to apply but he said permanent treatment is surgery.
I do not want to go for surgery so is there a natural remedy for anal fissure rather than going for a surgery.
Is it safe to take cremafin plus for a long time? What can be a natural substitute for cremafin?
Thank you for the query.
Generally if the anal fissure can not be treated for some time (like a month or longer), surgery is advisable. It is because its much easier to treat acute fissure than chronic. Fissure is a kind of wound. This wound when started to treat right after its creation gives great chances to heal. Old wound is really hard to heal so it needs to be removed and stitched.
Fissure is caused by chronic costipation. So the most important thing is to avoid constipation. Here is the treatment you should try before the surgery:
- increase fiber XXXXXXX products and mineral water intake
- use stool softener if necessary
- wash your rectum after every stool
- do not push hard on stool
- have sitz baths with Quercus Cortex twice a day
- use Nitroglycerine cream to relax anus muscle
Such treated fissure should get healed in a week or two. If not, surgery is your next step.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Till the time i take stool softener the fissure does not trouble me.
Please follow mentioned steps and see if it will help.