Brief Answer:
Personality disorder; needs help at earliest
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am and welcome.
Thank you for writing in to us.
Based on the provided information, I have come to develop the opinion that your partner might be suffering from a personality disorder, and that he may not be making this up. For your reference I shall list some of the most common symptoms of a personality disorder:
-Frequent mood swings
-Difficult relationships (in his case with his parents)
-Poor control on temperament, decision making, etc.
-Angry outbursts
-Denial to having any current issues
and many others.
Causes can be various, both the most common ones are either due to difficult surroundings, or a hereditary pattern.
I would like to now state the most important aspect of my response, which is the part which should result in helping him and yourself. Following are my suggestions:
-Following the psychoanalysis, he will have to consult a psychotherapist who should be able to establish a diagnosis and also initiate various forms of therapy (eg. psychodynamic therapy, cognitive
behavioral therapy, etc.)
-A referral will then be made to a psychiatrist
-Family support: For this his parents will have to be involved. They will have to understand the situation and provide as much love and care as possible. I understand he is getting the same from you, but keeping your safety in mind as well, I would advise you to stay in constant touch with his therapist, so you can call the doctor for help, in case you are ever threatened
-Medications: This can only be prescribed by the psychiatrist and will target
depression, mood swings, and
anxiety mainly
I hope I have succeeded in addressing all the issues that you need to be aware about. Please feel free to write to me about anything absolutely. I would love to be of as much assistance as possible. Please be safe, and always keep a person you trust well-informed about your whereabouts and safety. Please do not misunderstand me, I only say this as people in your partners position are very fragile and can have sudden outbursts. These can be unsafe for the people around them, and I am only as concerned for you, as I am for him.
Best wishes.
Note: For further guidance on mental health,
Click here.