Suffering From Anxiety. Feeling Stiffness In Neck And Pressure In Back Of Head. Related To Mental Issues?
Thanks for your query.
I hope the stiffness in your neck did not start in the past day or two, which can be troublesome if associated with fever.
However, as you mention that the symptoms aggravate with anxiety, I presume the pressure in the back of your head and neck stiffness have been there for some time now. Yes, anxiety and stress do tend to make the muscles stiff and can give rise to the problems described by you.
It is better to address the "mental issues" that you may be having at this age. I suggest you make a note of the issues and discuss them first with your immediate family and/or friends to find a solution for them. If required professional help should be sought.
I hope I have addressed your concerns. Feel free to revert back if clarifications are required.
Wishing you all the best...