Suffering From Body Pain And Loss Of Appetite. Medical Test Normal. Have Viral Syndrome. Cure?
Thanks for your query.
I appreciate your efforts for taking medical opinion here despite the distress.
You case is interesting and but difficult too; even your attending physician is facing difficulties. I will try to give my best effort to help you in this problem.
As your multiple tests (head and lumbar MRI, Multiple Head and neck CT, Lots of blood work, two spinal taps) are normal then post viral syndrome is the most probable cause of your symptoms.
In post viral syndrome patient usually have multiple pain complaints, lethargy, anxiety/depressive symptoms, gastric disturbance and disturb sleep. Usually these symptoms last for few months.
Following steps will help you:
-Take plenty of water daily
-Healthy diet like fruits, milk and juice
-Daily morning and evening walk
-Get investigated for thyroid function test, as thyroid problem may be the cause for some of your symptoms and menstrual irregularities.
-In presence of anxiety/depressive symptoms short duration treatment from psychiatrist will help.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wish you good health.
Dr Ashish XXXXXXX Mittal