Suffering From Fever That Occurs Frequently. Suggest?
Thanks for your query
I can feel your concerns.
Do taped water sponging on arms, legs and face and after 10 minutes give paracetamol during fever episodes.
1. Can you please tell me the pattern of fever ?
2. How long it persists?
3. Is there any history of sore throat, cough, pain in joints , rash , Increase frequency of passing urine or abscess on any part of body?
4. What other associated features are present with fever?
5. Is there any history of contact with tuberculosis patient?
There is an entity called cyclic neutropenia in which child can have such a fever every month whenever the white blood cells goes down.
You should get his Complete blood picture done along with blood and urine culture and sensitivity tests.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help
wishing him a speedy recovery