Suffering From Pain In Back, Arm And Forearm. Diagnosed As Spondylosis. Required Treatment?
Thanks for posting your query.
Although your father's blood reports are absolutely normal, its very essential to rule out whether pain is from joints/ from muscles in origin or neuropathic (because of nerve involvement).
Joint pain is associated with restriction in joint movement with swollen joints with fever.
Muscle pains are associated with tender muscles and restricted movements with normal joints.
Neuropathic pain are due to pressure on nerves as in cervical spondylitis.
Exact cause can be defined only after examination.
You should consult with physician/ neurologist and should go for cervical x XXXXXX Antero-posterior view & lateral view.
Your father should also go for thorough neurological check up with status of reflexes in upper limb.
Cervical spondylitis is associated with restricted neck movements and loss of reflexes in upper limbs.
He should take muscle relaxants with medicines for neuropathic pain such as pregabalin/ gabapentin/ oxcarbazepine/ dosulepin.
Put your views also if any.
Best regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava