Suffering From Severe Neck Pain For Over 4 Months?
Laryngo-pharyngoscopy will help to rule out cancer
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
As per the history you have provided my thoughts/provisional diagnosis is as follow:
Neck pain for 4 months can be due to fibromyalgia. The muscles go into spam and to support the nearby muscles also go into spasm. Hence it an change position as is seen in your case.
Your Doctor might have given you Penicillin along with other medicines, anti-inflammatory, painkillers. That might have helped with your neck pain.
Sore throat, coughing, hoarse voice indicate the throat inflammation; can be bacterial or even viral infection. The first principal in hoarse voice is voice rest, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial if the blood tests or local examination suggest this to be due to bacterial infection. Oral steroids may be indicated in some cases and totally depends upon the findings by your Doctor, preferably an ENT Surgeon and laryngo-pharyngoscopy to see for the vocal cords - its size, any inflammation, nodules and will rule out cancer too.
Hence give voice complete rest, take medicines as needed.
Postural changes for neck pain may help, avoid any position which instigates or enhances the neck muscle spasm and pain. Reduced neck pain indicates muscle spasm. You can palpate and compare the neck muscles on both sides simultaneously to know the spasm, difference in tightness and bulk of muscles.
I hope this answers your query and helps you.
Take care, follow the instructions and advise.
And give feedback.
Dr T Chandrakant.
General and ENT Surgeon. (Double Specialization)