Suffering From Stomach Pain, Mild Fever And Vomiting. Cause?
It seems to be gastroenteritis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for trusting us with your health concern.
Your symptoms seem to be due to gastroenteritis.
Usually such symptoms are relieved by taking Ondem 4mg twice a day before meals and Pariet 20 mg once a day early in the morning empty stomach. The symptoms are likely to subside in next 3-5 days.
You can take some general measures like-
1. You can start by taking soft, bland food: toast, bananas, crackers, plain rice, cooked carrots, boiled potatoes, baked chicken ~ no skin, etc.
2.Replace lost fluid and salts: Have broth, soup, fruit juices, soft fruits, or vegetables. Have clear soups, clear sodas or juice mixed with water to help prevent dehydration. You should avoid having plain water and dark sodas.
3.Avoid the following foods: Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), Cold drinks - stick to warm tea or water as long as symptoms persist, Avoid raw fruits and vegetables, fried & greasy food and fast food, spicy food, caffeine,etc.
If the symptoms are not relieved , medical treatment is needed after proper examination.
Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.