Dr XXXXXXX I am leaning towards
nerve involvement. I learned that she wasn't "doing too well on her left side anyway" but then she went to get onto a back stretcher I got her on the floor and "missed it" she said. And could barely get up as her left side was affected and she is only able to "slide" her leg along with trying to use a walker. I could not passively move her arm barely without her having pain on the superior/lateral
humerus and in shoulder itself. I am wondering if whatever WAS happening on her left side was made worse by that fall onto the back stretcher on the floor...I have an Apt to see a Doctor in one week, but she needs help now; what do you suggest? She said it all happened yesterday, but that she woke up with her left big toe hurting. I palpated her entire left buttock and she said most of it hurt, but when standing she palpated herself for the pain area in the pubis, not quite the ischial tuberosity. It was more "underneath" she said. Please let me know what I should do for her? She is actually my grandmother, I am a PTA grad.
Unfortunately, she cannot explain things very well to me. She said she was already in "bad shape" then she missed the board, but denies any back involvement, but I know you have to keep it in mind. I am trying to help the best I can, but I know if I were a PT I could do better. I asked her if it hurts to bend over and she said yes, I guess. She was able to sleep on her back with no pain, BUT the pain comes and goes depending on how she moves. She sits in a lazy boy, with feet reclined and leans towards the right side, "to relieve her butt" she says. It is a sharp, stabbing like pain, but she says "it's in the bone" when it hits and I see her cringe. She upset me because she tried to take vicadin and I told her NO! not at her age! I advised
Aleve, etc. I have an ice pack for her she has been putting under her bottom and I told her on her shoulder for sure, but wondering is heat should be used for her bottom instead of ice....I know a lot of questions, but if you could help me by answering each one, I would greatly appreciate it! thank you, XXXXXXX
Thank you!