Suggest Dosage For Meftal-P
100mg of Mefenamic acid per 5ml.
Is the dose suitable for her?
I have given her 7ml 11:30pm, 7ml 10:30am, 7 ml 5:15pm and 7ml 10:45pm.
Still her fever is high and at around 10pm, she started shivering badly, her hand and feet were very cold. I layered her with clothes, held her close and started heater. Again an hour back her hands and feet were again turning cold along with high temperature on forehead.
Doctor had diagnosed for viral in today morning.
Also I want to add, around 6-7pm I had given her sponging and coconut water. Had given coconut water in morning too.
Her high fever is continuing.
Dose is right, I would have preferred paracetamol
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
I have gone through the query and do understand your concern.
The most common cause of fever in this age is viral infection. In viral infection fever remains of high grade for initial 3-4 days and then starts declining. The only concern is that in few viral infection particularly in Dengue paracetamol is the drug of choice and meftal p, brufen or aspirin should be avoided.
Fever may be the only symptom during first one or two days and then other symptoms like cough, cold, pain abdomen, loose motion, rashes etc may develope.
The prescribed dose of meftal p (mefenemic acid) is OK for her.
Shivering can be there in any fever. Giving fluids or coconut water helps in maintaining hydration and also temperature. You can do tepid sponging along with for better relief.
Mefenemic acid is considered to be more effective than paracetamol. If fever persists or recur earlier than 8 hours even after giving meftal p, you may give paracetamol at a dose of 15 mg/kg/dose at an interval of 6-8 hours.
If fever persists longer or any other significant abnormality is there please consult your pediatrician immediately.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Wishing for your child's rapid recovery.