Suggest Dosage For Oxycodone While On Morphine Sulfate
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not as straightforward as it sounds!
Detailed Answer:
There are all these tables on this topic. and they mainly give the same answer. (by the way, I have to mention that 180 mg of morphine is considered a high dose and statistically associates with an increased risk of complications).
The equivalent oxycodone is less, maybe 20 mg per 30 mg of morphine
It turns out that reality trumps charts that do not give their basis for their calculations! There are a lot of genetically based differences on how people handle and react to different narcotics. Individual results on this vary tremendously. Furthermore of a given dose of a given drug, while the FDA closely regulates how much gets in the pill and how much gets into the person, there is no regulation on how fast that amount gets in then wears off (how tightly the pill is packed together).
You can get an estimate; it will be wrong.