Suggest Dosage Of Mifegest Kit
You should take them by Obstetrician's advice.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
I have gone through your concern. Unplanned pregnancy is always a stressful situation for a woman.
Mifepristone tablet 200 mg is always to be taken orally as a single dose medicine. However doses of Misoprostol vary according to the route of administration. It can be consumed vaginally, orally, bucally or sublingually. The dose depends upon the exact period of pregnancy. There are two options for taking Misoprostol after Mifepristone. There is an option of taking Misoprostol alone also.
I would urge you please to take Obstetrician's advice regarding the dosages and route of administration. Mostly, for you Misoprostol 800 microgm vaginally or 400 microgm orally after Mifepristone should work in your case.
If any further information is needed, I am always available for you XXXX.
48 hours after Tab. Mifepristone
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
I will give you the information. However, I feel you should take these medicines only after consulting your Obstetrician.
As per the calculations, since you had your menses on 10th of XXXXXXX now your pregnancy is of 41 days.
Up to 49 days, the advised dose of Tab. Mifepristone is 200 mg orally. When it is taken it is day one. On day 3; i.e. 48 hours after Mifepristone, Tab. Misoprostol 400 microgms (2x200 microgm tablets) are taken orally as single dose. Usually after about 4 hours the abortion process starts. If it does not start even after 24 hours, one has to report to the Obstetrician for finding out whether the pregnancy is continuing or there is ectopic pregnancy. If the pregnancy continues, it has to be aborted as these medicines have adverse effect on the baby.
After the bleeding stops, better to get confirmed the completion of the abortion by undergoing ultrasonography.
After 49 days of Pregnancy, the doses and/or methods of abortion by these medicines change.
For any more information, I am always available for you XXXX.
I hope I have satisfied you. If so would you please post your review and rate me 5 starts?
No wonder
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
I am not surprised to note that the urine pregnancy tests were negative on 2nd July and 13th July.
In fact you missed your period on 10th July. Urine pregnancy tests done before missing a period usually show negative results. Therefore the test on 2nd was negative. These tests are reliably conclusive 8-10 days after missed period. 13th July was too early to perform this test; hence the negative result. Sometimes our impatience misguides us this way.
Anyway, your test on 21st July has confirmed the pregnancy. So you have to take the desired decision and action.
I am sure I have clarified your doubts.
Please let me know the outcome of your Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Please understand that without prescription of an authorized abortionist, it becomes violation of MTP act 1971.
If you want any more information, I am always available for you XXXX.
You may wait for 72 hours
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Usually the bleeding starts within first 24 hours; however some cases may require up to 72 hours to start the abortion process.
In the cases where the bleeding does not start, the common causes are:
1. Failure of the medicines: Repeat or evacuation is the remedy
2. Missed abortion where the baby has become non-viable however has not been expelled out: Only Obstetrician can diagnose it after examination, some tests and ultrasonography. Immediate evacuation is required to avoid profuse bleeding later on.
3. Ectopic pregnancy: The pregnancy has been implanted outside the uterine cavity, usually in the tube. Only Obstetrician can diagnose this condition. Needs immediate surgical intervention. If the tube ruptures, it causes alarming intrauterine bleeding requiring emergency surgical intervention.
Therefore, you may wait up to 72 hours after taking Misoprostol tablets. If the abortion process does not start then you will have to report to the Obstetrician.
I hope I have explained you the ordeal clearly. Please follow it.
I am awaiting for the feedback from you.
I am always available for you XXXX.