Suggest Food Supplements That Help In Loosing Weight
Are there any food suppressant meds that are used for diabetes or other reasons that would help me lose weight without bad side effects?
Please see the discussion
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for your query.
You probably have a condition called reactive hypoglycemia. There's a mismatch between the amount of insulin released in response to the rise in blood sugar . As a result too much insulin is released driving your sugar below normal and making you hungry and forcing you to eat. The way to manage it is to eat low glycemic foods which do not raise the blood sugar very high and hence are less likely to cause a reactive hypoglycemia. The food has to be low GI food avoiding refined wheat, rice, refined sugary foods and fried or baked potatoes. It would be very much like the food for people with diabetes with pulses, salads, fish, chicken and other proteins if you are not on protein restriction.
Supplements have not been shown to be beneficial in this condition.
You should also eat plenty of vegetables, nuts and exercise 30 minutes a day and practice stress relieving techniques.
Do get back to me if you have further questions.
Yes, in small quantities .Discussion continues
Detailed Answer:
Brown, parboiled and long grain rice has a lower glycemic index than white, raw and short rice. It may be used in small quantities along with the other low GI foods. Having written that, it is not possible to avoid high GI food always, but try to limit the quantity and combine with low GI food to reduce the overall GI and the blood sugar elevation.
Wish you good health.