Suggest Medication For Seizure
Continue medications and get investigated as advised
Detailed Answer:
Hello ,
I have gone through your question and understand your concerns.
Seizures are caused by many factors and aetiologies.
The diagnosis is made clinically and most of the time the treatment is started based on this.
Investigations are important part of making diagnosis but absence of any abnormality in imaging and EEg do not exclude the disease.
The investigations are supportive rather than exclusive.
In many types of epilepsy the imaging and EEG may still be normal.
The best imaging protocol is epilepsy protocol do look for medial temporal lobe sclerosis.
The EEG has low detection rate and needs to be repeated to get electrical discharges picked. Sleep deprived EEg helps in greater chances of detection.
At this age , the possibility of Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is probable and is usually associated with other types of seizures like myoclonic or absences.
In your son , it is advisable to start treatment as he suffered to episodes of unprovoked seizures.
You should have faith in your treating neurologist and comply with treatment and investigation advices.
If you are not satisfied by his approach then you may take a second opinion by another neurologist available near you.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Do get back with further queries.
Dr Neeraj Kumar