Suggest Medication For Worm Infestation
Wait and watch
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcaremagic.
Hi, I am Dr Anshul Varshney , I have read your query in detail , I understand your concern.
Such worms found in fruits can be harmful or harmless. Most commonly they cause worm infestation and can be removed by anti helminthic drug.
Since we don't know, which worm has gone inside, it is difficult to comment upon the treatment.
Moreover, there is no indication of prophylactic treatment in such cases.
So, best protocol is to wait and watch. If you get any symptoms, write back to us, we would discuss the treatment part.
For the purpose of de worming, i prefer to use anti helminthics like Mebandazole.
This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you still have any other query, you may please ask me.
Stay Healthy.
Dr Anshul Varshney , MD
I really got worried and don't want to be a carrier of any such disease/infestation.
Need advise on the dosage pattern for Mebandazole. For how many days should i take and how many times in order to b sure that any worms have been killed??
Note : Worm was small & white color and crawling like caterpillar.
You can take Mebandazole
Detailed Answer:
Hi, Mebandazole is given as 100 mg twice a day for 3 days. Albandazole is give as a single 400 mg dose, but Mebandazole is safer then Albandazole.
Good Luck