Question: My 5 month old daughter contracted
vaginal pseudomonas. I am not sure how the contamination happened, but she does have kidney disease and is on prophylaxis (
amoxicillin) for it. She has also been catheterized several time for urine tests (VCUG, cultures, etc). Her specific issues are reflux, which is still being diagnosed as there are some other issues as well. My family has history of severe genetic abnormalities in the urological tract from dual sided duplicating ureters, megaureters,
neurogenic bladder and sphincters to kidneys simply not working correctly. My eldest daughter was a mess and had many corrective surgeries as she was constantly in the hospital from pseudomonas in her urine. She almost died on us several times turning blue from
urinary sepsis. I could smell the infection on her each time before she was diagnosed and hospitalized and put on
gentamicin cocktails prescribed by an infectious disease doctor. The only thing that kept her out of the hospital was Cipro, which she was on and off for 3 years until the age of 5. When I smelled that familiar smell it in her youngest sister's diaper my chest constricted. Unlike my eldest daughter, there was a yellowish/green mucous discharge that seemed to periodically ooze from her vagina. I made sure to take her to the
pediatrician and had a urine test done and had the also had them run a culture on the mucous. I was relieved to find out that there was no UTI, but weirded out to hear it was in her vagina. I know that regardless of how clean I keep her, the fact that she has a health issue and her being on long term medicine could be a factor. I am taking her to the
urologist who I assume will be putting her on a different medication trail to kill the bacterial contamination and then switch her back to the Amoxicillin. My question is, what the heck would a doctor put her on as she is so young? Hopefully not a fluoroquinolone? The whole milk thing is a pain in the neck and the other possible side effects that this medication can cause are not comforting - she is plain too young for this medication. My eldest daughter was one of the youngest put on Cipro with special permission of an ID doctor. My pediatrician also suggests going to a pediatric Gynecologist which completely weirded me out. I do not want her being touched by too many people unnecessarily, especially not before following up with the urologist. Any advice?