Suggest Over The Counter Homeopathic Medicine To Improve Immune System
treatment required
Detailed Answer:
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Infants are most prone to cough and cold and this is because they have tendency to catch cold easily due to weak immunity in the body. This can be easily cured by strengthening internal resistance power. I would strongly suggest you take homoeopathy medicine because its safe and effective for childeren with out any side effect.
You can visit to any homoeopathic physician or you can start with following medicine
1Munostim 4 pills twice in a day (brand - wsi)
2 Ammonium carb 30 4 pills twice in a day (in case of cold only)
3 Natrum mur 6x 3 pills three times in a day
Medicine is for strengthning immune system and also to treat current problem
Take this is medicine for a month and revert me back after that. Further medication wil be decided on the basis of improvement.
Course of medicine may vary upto 3 to 4 month
hope this is clear to you
In case of any query feel free to ask
Dr Ratnesh