Suggest Remedies For Ejaculation Without Erection And Premature Ejaculation
Kindly advice me a best medicine
It is treatable condition
Detailed Answer:
First of all, I like to inform you that your narration classically matches with premature ejaculation.
Having premature ejaculation is an indication of poor ejaculatory control. The condition can be controlled or treated in the right manner with the use of either behavior techniques or medication.
The behavioral techniques need to be practiced during sex and does not yield results for two to four weeks. But once the results are achieved they are long lasting. Additionally, there is little concern with side effects as no active molecules prescribed.
Even your partner can also help you by participating in some sort of the behavioral interventions.
It's difficult for me to explain them here but you can get them a hold on them with use of google. Just type 'kegel exercise' and you will get plethora of information to identify this particular technique. The kegel exercise is most studied and probably most effective technique for control of ejaculation.
The other techniques are:
1. Squeeze technique
2. Start- stop method
3. Interruption technique
You can use either one or combination of them as per your comfort level.
Premature ejaculation can be controlled by drugs. SSRI group of antidepressant drugs cause delayed ejaculation as a side effect, and this side effect is used therapeutically in the treatment of premature ejaculation..these drugs are as following:
Tablet. Paroxetine
Tablet. Fluoxetine
Tablet. Sertraline
I often prefer Paroxetine as the first choice as it is more effective than the other ones. The effect can be seen with regular intake of medications by the end of one or two weeks.
In my opinion, you should practice the behavioral techniques first before opting for medications.
I hope you find this advice helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Ashok Kumar
Follow up
Detailed Answer:
If the problem is not treated, it is definitely going to affect your sexual life in the future. Fortunately, the problem is treatable so there is no need to worry about it.
Regarding ayurvedic medication, I am sorry to inform you that you already have used many herbal supplements and they are unlikely to be helpful for you.
I hope this helps you further. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Thank you.
Dr. Ashok Kumar
Follow up
Detailed Answer:
As suggested above first you should practice behavioral techniques and Paroxetine should be kept as last resort.
The result varies from person to person and before we start it there is need to undergo a thorough medical examination by a qualified doctor.
I hope this helps you.
Thank you.
Dr. Ashok Kumar