Suggest Remedies For Severe Throat Pain While On Aleve
Severe pain in my neck primarily on the left side and somewhat on the front and back as well. No strenuous activity in the past few days. Onset was 24 hours ago, late morning, a couple hours after rising. Pain gradually worsened throughout the day and night. Sleeping is very difficult. Lots of sharp pain when trying to move, and dull pain all the time. It hurts my neck area (sharp/shooting pain) when I swallow, but I don't have a sore throat. It also hurts when I sniff or speak. There is no comfortable position to be in.
Aleve didn't seem to help the one time I took it.
I have a strong neck due to my profession and any permanent damage to strength or mobility would be career ending. I'm trapped in an insurance policy that makes Dr visits prohibitively expensive so I only go if absolutely necessary. Please help! Thank you.
Think GN if everything else is negative.
Detailed Answer:
Your symptoms are most consistent with something that is not commonly thought of in this type of case which may merit consideration and that is glossopharyneal neuritis. This is a spontaneous inflammation and irritation of a nerve that comes from the lower portion of the brainstem and runs into the throat region. Typical symptoms that it gives when swollen or irritated are throat pains that can be sharp/shooting, but it is quite different from your typical Strep Throat type of pain.
Pains can be electrical and catch you when speaking, breathing, coughing, drinking COLD liquids, touching the teeth or inside of the mouth, or just turning the neck. Before making such a diagnosis, however, it is necessary that a physician take a good look into the throat, feel the glands, and even do some blood work and even a throat swab if there are any doubts. However, once that workup is complete and nothing else seems to make sense then, don't forget about this diagnosis I'm telling you about.
A neurologist would be the type of doctor most likely to make this diagnosis. I wouldn't let anyone suggest antibiotics unless they have excellent reasons why....such as perhaps a HIGHLY elevated white cell count in your bloodstream along with a fever, and redness/swelling in the pharyngeal area with swollen glands. Then, I think a round of antibiotics may be justified. Otherwise, I would defer such a treatment and ask to have a referral to a neurologist.
If it is believed that you do in fact have a chance at having something like GN then, it would be very helpful for you to get an MRI of the brain and to particularly focus on the lower of the brainstem with gadolinium contrast because from that point downward is where we often see signs of the pathology involving the 9th cranial nerve (the glossopharyngeal nerve) and of course, there are other things that can be looked for up in the head when pains like this occur which can be ruled out.
You can certainly try OTC medication but if you do have GN then, that's not likely to be very effective. The only medications that would have a chance at working are prescription only so unfortunately, you're left with going to a doctor for a straight up diagnosis or letting it resolve on its own...which eventually it will (if it's GN) but in the mean time you'll have to put up with the pain and discomfort. You can try modalities such as heat and ice over the left side of the neck as well. It is less likely to be a disc in the neck since the distribution of the cervical spine nerves that would be compressed by the disk (bulging or whatever) would not attach the neck but rather the shoulders, arms, and down to the hands and fingers depending on the level of the disk. And you didn't mention anything being affected EXCEPT THE NECK. That really puts the pathology for me either in some STRUCTURE within the neck itself or something like a nerve that can transmit pain and sensation INTO the neck.
I hope this addresses your concerns and that you'll keep me in mind for future questions regarding these or other neurological/medical issues I may be able to help answer. Feel free to upload more specific information regarding lab tests and diagnostic studies if done and I'll be happy to look at them.
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