Suggest Remedies For Tongue Pain, Throat Pain And Difficulty In Speaking
What medicine to take
toungue pain due to mouth ulcer, continue Clavam 625 for throat infection
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According to your symptoms your tongue pain may be due to mouth ulcer.
1. In case of apthous ulcers you can gargle with a numbing mouthwash containing
2 Take a multivitamin tablet daily
3 Do warm saline gargles, gargle with 1:1 solution of benadryl and milk of
4 Take anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen, avoid spicy food, chew sugar
free chewing gums and drink plenty of water.
5 If the pain is bad, you can apply anaesthetic gels like orajel for canker sores or
anbesol, etc locally over the ulcer.
Avoid eating hot, spicy food. Avoid acidic foods like tomatoes, pineapples too
These ulcers usually heal with 1 - 2 weeks. If they do not please see a dentist and ENT specialist.
You are taking this tablet Clavam 625 for respiratory infection.
So continue the antibiotic twice daily for 5-7 days and complete the course. Throat pain is due to infection and enlargement of local lymphnodes.Pain will reduce after 2 days of complete antibiotic course
Take care
Dr Priyanka G Raj
consult ENT specialist
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Thanks for the query
I had gone through the pic of your tongue.
It looks like you have white thick patches on your tongue.
In case if it is in the form of thick curdy white patches it can be due to yeast infection known as Oral Thrush and treatment will be done by antifungal mouthwash like Nystatin mouthwash and clotrimazole lozenges and taking probiotics like Yoghurt and garlic..
You should therefore consult an oral physician/ENT specialist and get evaluated and treatment can be planned according to the cause.
Take care
Dr Priyanka G Raj
yes you can
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Yes you can apply.
Do gargling regularly.
after gargling you apply once in 6 hrs.
You can also apply anaesthetic gels like orajel if it is painful.
Thank you
Take care
Dr Priyanka G Raj