Suggest Remedy For Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels
if tests are back positive, further tests are required
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Hi and welcome to hcm.
It would be helpful if you could specify more how high liver markers and iron enzymes are- But generally, abnormal liver findings are not uncommon and may indicate various liver disorders or even can be seen in normal conditions. most of them are benign and temporary. Elevated liver markers may or may not be associated with liver damage.
When talking about causes then most common are certain medications and alcohol intake. These should be ruled out first. So you need to stop all painkillers, sedatives and alcholol intake and repeat test in few weeks. If there is no improvement, you need to do liver ultrasound and viral markers. If there is still no improvement you should do CT scan, tests for autoimmune hepatitis and genetic liver disorders. Gallbladder stomes may be another cause of elevated LFTs All this time try to follow some of the hepatic diets that can be seen on the internet, it includes intake of fruit,vegetables, boiled food,avoid coffee, alcohol,carbonated drinks and high sugar food.
Iron enzymes are probably not related to liver issue. It can be also temporarily elevated do to previous occult bleeding somewhere in your body. if hemoglobin and red blood count are fine,you dont have to be worried about this.
WIsh you good health. Regards
Detailed Answer:
Are all liver enzymes above 200? This is significant reading but also bilirubin levels should be checked. 1 glass of wine wont do any harm,it may be beneficial but any other alcohol should be limited.