Suggest Remedy For Hernia Above Navel
Ventral Epigastric Hernia at old exploratory surgery/ Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Ventral Epigastric Hernia at old exploratory surgery/ Under Evaluation
Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Read and reviewed your query.Understood your health concerns.
You are right on raising questions on the health concerns,especially when you already had added problem after a failed earlier exploratory surgery.
In a normal course as per your Surgeons assessment on physical examination,he has explained the way he would be going ahead in your case with a mesh repair for the Epigastric ventral Hernia.
How to avoid the various Complications questioned from you,is the essence of your query in such scenario, where the earlier exploratory surgery lead to added complication of this Epigatric hernia?
A good pre-operative physical examination and assessment verified from USG/ CT study would help your Surgeon,with his expertise to avoid all these problems, with the skill he has with him.
But still unforeseen complications like extensive adhesions could change the stay time you may require.But you can very well prepare to face this and predict this from your Surgeon,with the above detailed investigations from your case.
With Endoscopic surgery mesh repair of Epigastric Ventral Hernia,through a small incision with discharge on the same day-is the luxurious option- now available to patients who have undergone long exploratory incision scars like yours.
A planned and early operation is always better,than that done in emergency situation.
A month would reduce your stress to prepare for impending planned surgery and would reduce the list load with your Surgeon also.
Don't wait till the emergency situation arises in your case,as it would increase the risks in Surgery and would increase risk of failure of surgery and the risk of recurrence after it.
I would fix your sub-questions as asked from you-
Q-1-How likely would it be that he might run into previous scar tissue and if he does that make the surgery more complicated that I might have to spend the night and not go home same day.?-
Ans-1-With Endoscopic /Laparoscopic techniques , its 100 % sure that a safe surgical repair is possible outcome in case like your's.
Chances of running in to the previous scar is no major risk,as the weak scar with its adhesions if any could easily be dealt with by your Surgeon.
Chances of spending night, in eventuality of more complications is very less and is not an issue with the latest operative tools available during this advanced technical intervention,which is necessary and is advised by your attending Surgeon- only to reduce the risk of Complication of Gangrene of the Strangulated Ventral Hernia.
That risk already is explained as a routine formality in any surgical procedure.And nothing to be worried about, as the technique is very safe.
So don't worry about it and leave to your expert Surgeon,for which he would take every care before taking up your case for surgery.
Going home safely with no risk of recurrence is the Aim of your surgeon also and hence leave this worry to him.
Q-2-Also surgeon said it could take up to a month or longer till they can get a date for me to have it done?
Ans-2-There might be workload with your Surgeon.Besides this as per his assessment of your sever pain lately,he has just advised a Planned Surgery and not a Emergency Surgery,which is always with more risks,as the risk factors can not be planned with their replies and need to be dealt at 11 th hour,which is always more risky,than a Planned Surgery after a month or so.This will give more time for your Surgeon to plan the best situation for the corrective Ventral hernia Mesh Repair, by Laparoscopic technique.
Q-3- I do have some pain now in that area sometimes really bad. What are some indications that the hernia inside is getting worse if you could also list some examples of that if those would occur so I know if I have any to go to the Emergency Room?
Ans-3-I would definitely educate you on this.But this is not to take a risk of being negligent and may lead to negligent postponing of the Surgical Correction in your already high risk case,as you are already operated and are with risks as follows-
a-Severe Colicky pains / with nausea and vomiting
b-Severe pain followed by Sever diarrhea,with or without fever-Suggesting a bad situation of strangulated but reduced hernial contents.
c-Rigid abdomen / with sever pain in abdomen and around the scar in abdomen.
You should not risk yourself till such complaints,as they may endanger your life.r
Q-4-and do you think if that would happen they would do the surgery right then.?
Ans-4-Don't create that situation by your negligence, only to expedite the date of surgery in Hurry!!No doubt, in such a situation even at risks, your Surgeon would take up the case immediately to relieve you out of the risks to your life.
Dear,I hope all the sub-queries of your's are replied to full extent herewith.
Welcome for any further query to ME, in this regard,Which I would love to reply in next session.
Wishing you fast recovery and healthy living.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
3 mths Restrictions of heavy lifting will remain...!!
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-3 mths Restrictions of heavy lifting will remain...!!
Hi,Dear,Thanks for your update query.
Read and reviewed your health concerns regarding the workouts which you do.
Any exercise which increases intra-abdominal pressure needs to be restricted.
As you have pathogenic defect in Epigastric area,With a Epigastric hernation with signs of obstruction sometimes(Reducible Herniation of abdominal Contents-as evidenced by severe pains lately).
I can understand your job responsibilities as Certified Personal trainer.
Q-1-are there any types of exercises that you know of that if I try to do before I have the surgery in my workouts will or can make the hernia worse or make it get what they call strangulated or anything?
Ans-1-Almost all exercises which strain upper abdominal muscles dirctly or indirectly would worsen the chances of hernia complications as -strangulation/gangrene of herniated contents.
Q-2-If you know of any exercises let me know so I can avoid doing them.
Ans-2-So avoid all the above explained exercises-like Head rising upper abdominal and Leg rising abdominal exercises /
or any exercise increasing the strain on upper abdominal muscles and upper abdominal pressure.
Hope this reply would help you to take care pre and post-operatively with your doctors there.
Welcome for any further query to ME, in this regard,Which I would love to reply in next session.
If you don't have any query,Will appreciate you to write excellent review feedback comments to rate this service experience,just to help needy patient visitors like you at HCM.
Wishing you fast recovery and healthy living.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist