Suggest Remedy For Over Sweating
Detailed Answer:
When I see someone in my practice who presents with excessive sweating, in addition to a detailed physical examination I also order the following blood tests:
Plasma free metanephrines
An overactive thyroid can cause excessive sweating, so the TSH will give an idea if this is the case
IGF1 looks for a rare condition called Acromegaly which has excessive sweating as one of its features
Plasma free metanephrines is a way to screen for another rare condition called pheochromocytoma which can cause both headaches and sweating.
None of these tests require fasting and can be done at any time of the day.
it is important to have the primary care doctor in the loop to ensure other possible causes are pursued if the hormonal reasons are ruled out.
Follow up
Detailed Answer:
Feel free to discuss them. A lot depends on clinical evaluation, meaning the probability of the conditions based upon findings on physical examination. So the doctor may use his discretion in determining which tests are worth ordering. Moreover, I have only alluded to potential endocrine causes. Other relevant tests may be necessary too.