Suggest Remedy For Painful Muscles While Breathing Post Injury
I've taken (5 minutes ago) hydrocodone acetaminophen 5-500.
Heat or cold on effected area? Rest or limited, careful activity?
Here are some suggestions:
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry you had a fall! For sprained/strained muscles, use cold for the first couple of days. For muscle spasms use heat (moist heat is especially good).
For cold application, one way is to freeze water in a small Dixie cup, peel it down and rub in circular motion over affected area for several minutes. Then off, then repeat. Do this several times a day. Or put a cloth over affected area and put a bag of frozen veggies (peas work especially well) over the cloth.
After a couple of days of cold application, when you start to move around, you can put heat on before activity and then ice it after the activity.
This is for limbs and back. Generally you don't want to put cold over visceral organs.
Definitely rest. You can do as much activity as you are comfortable with as long as you are not pushing it because you are the type to keep going or because the hydrocodone is temporarily making you comfortable enough to allow you to keep going.
Now about having sharp pain with taking a deep breath, you may have 1 or more cracked ribs and not know it. An Xray might be prudent.
For inflammation, in general NSAIDs such as ibuprofen can be more effective than acetaminophen. You can take up to 600 mg of ibuprofen 3x/day for a week. That is if you tolerate NSAIDs, have no stomach problems (history of ulcers, bleeding, GERD), and no significant kidney problems. I always advise that when taking NSAIDs you take them after eating so the pills don't sit on the stomach lining.
But acetaminophen/hydrocodone is of course stronger.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.