Suggest Remedy For Persistent Dysuria And Abdominal Pain
Back in XXXXXXX I had some pain while urinating, watery discharge from my penis, abdomen pain, blood while urinating. I got checked for all STI's (twice) and UTI's and all were negative. They put me on antiobiotics and the symtpoms went away and the Dr suggested it was likely from prostatis as I from time to time have urgency to pee but no other symptoms since then.
I read in the news yesterday about a newly discovered STI called 'MG' that has the same symptoms as mentioned above but does not show up on standard STI tests (chalymdia, ghonnerea) and of course is causing me anxiety.
Is this something I should be concerned about, I have never had a STI and am in a monogamous relationship as far as I know.
Mycoplasma Genitalium
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Thank you for contacting HCM with your health care concerns
You recently heard of a "new" STD called MG or mycoplasma genitalium. This bacteria has been known for several decades and is still not known if it causes STD. It is a normal finding in the genital urinary tract of both men and women. It is thought to cause urethritis in men and cervicitis and bacterial vaginosis in women. The treatment is usually erythromycin or macrolides and levofloxacin or quinalones. I would recommend talking with your provider and together decide whether or not to treat.
Your partner probably has this bacteria already but as it maybe normal flora it may not cause her any infection.
I hope this answers your question. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions
Highly likely cause of your symptoms
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I think it is highly likely that your symptoms are from the MG.
I would gently suggest it to your medical provider and ask to be treated again with the antibiotics. I might even suggest having your partner treated as she could be colonized with MG and not even have symptoms.
Need specific urine culture for MG
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The bacteria MG is found in almost every body so it is still controversial as to if MG is really a STD. The only way to check is to have a urethra swap taken and cultured for MG. Most labs do not do this test.
I think you have MG because all your symptoms and history fit exactly. Most doctors would possible call this infection as non-gonococcal urethritis.
You can ask again for treatment either azithromycin for 5 days or levofloxin for 7 days.
Yes long term
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Yes this can be a long term infection. Even in a monogamous relationship. remember nothing is absolute in medicine. We are learning new things everyday and we change our minds daily too. As I told you earlier this is still very controversial and not all doctors agree that MG is even a disease. But your symptoms do correlate with MG or non-gonoccocal urethritis.
I should mention that you really do not fit in the Dx of UTI as UTI is frequency urgency on urination. There is no discharge with UTI. Also Prostatitis does not produce discharge and is diagnosed with painful prostate with a swollen prostate on exam. The diagnosis of prostate infection is a clinical diagnosis and there are no labs to confirm prostatitis. So all the optional diagnosis really point toward the MG infection and none of the others.
Bacterial vaginosis has been associated with MG
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It is possible that the MG is a cause of bacterial vaginosis and if you both get treated it may resolve each of your's issues.
MG is a possible cause of bacterial vaginosis
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Yes there is data that suggests that MG is a possible cause for bacterial vaginosis
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Yes it is entirely possible that you could be getting your MG from your wife's BV. That is why I recommended earlier that you both could get treated at the same time. The hope here is that you will not re-infect each other
get treated
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Since the MG is so controversial and the test not readily available I would ask your doctor to treat both of you at the same time. We call that empirical treatment. I hope your doctor understands your position and will agree to this course of treatment.
your welcome
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All my best to you and your wife in overcoming this issue