Suggest Remedy For Pimple On Scrotal Sack
Hot fomentation, T bact cream
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Welcome to HCM
I have gone through your query.
It is difficult to diagnose without examination, kindly upload the picture, for better assessment and to provide you with a specific advice.
Is the boil painful.
Boils are common in scrotum. Apart from boils, Sebaceous cyst is also common, a local examination by a general surgeon can confirm this diagnosis.
If possible use loose cotton undergarments. Keep area dry and clean. Do not try to squeeze the boil. Hot fomentation over the boil at times can cause liquification of pus and drainage of boil.
If you are having pain take analgesics. If available you can also apply topical antibiotic like Mupirocin cream over the affected area.
I am awaiting your picture so that I can confirm my diagnosis.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
I replied last night but I do not see it on our communication string.
I went to the emergency room. It was a boil that they cut open to bleed, pack with gauze and gave me antibiotics.
Thanks for replying and your help. XXXXXXX
Wish you a speedy recovery
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Sorry for the inconvenience.
It is good that you have taken proper treatment.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Take care
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Wish you speedy recovery.
Take care