Suggest Remedy For Severe Hair Fall And Thinning Of Hair Post Child Birth
I m 34 year old women with c sec delivery 2 yrs back...
Last year noticed excess hair thinning n broad parting...scalp show
Tried many home remedies;oils use...later tried zenith hair fab tablets.. fall stopped.
But wanted to regrow thick consulted dermotologist in april 15...advised mintop forte wid adgain excess hairfall started and is continued till date...ferritin test done in august 15....level 7.4...fedate xt tab advised with serum for hair fall...still losing lots of hair hair cropping but that much....should i continue wid this treatment?
you should continue the treatment
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Welcome to I have read your query. I understand your concern.
Usually hairfall starts or exacerbates post delivery and lactation. In your case, it seems that you have developed Female Pattern Alopecia which is characterised by thinning of central hairline followed by hair loss. This in turn leads to sparse hair in midline area. This type of alopecia is due to hormone known as Di hydro testosterone. Your doctor has aptly advised you to apply mintop forte and multivitamin tablets. It usually takes 3-4months before any positive effect is seen. Minoxidil which is present in mintop forte Initially leads to hair loss for 3-4 weeks . This initiall hair loss is due to fall of all catagen stage hair which are already destined to fall. So in my opinion, you should continue with the treatment as advised by your Dermatologist.
If you have any further query, you may ask me. Stay healthy.
take healthy diet and continue treatment
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Welcome back.
You should continue with the mintop and multivitamin tablets. In addition, take healthy diet including green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Drink plenty of water.
Avoid hair drier and other cosmetic procedures for hair. Get your Hemoglobin , serum ferritin and Thyroid profile done.
I hope it helps. Take care.