Suggest Remedy For Severe Pain And Burning Sensation In Bladder
I recently had a cystocopy with a biopsy done. The biopsy came back negative. Im still having bladder pain and a burning sensation, it has been 2 1/2 weeks. My doctor stated that he streched my urethra, no dialation due to the opening being narrow. Im wondering why Im still in pain, my urologist tested my urine for infection but it was clear. I also feel a burning sensation at random times, almost like a muscle spasm in my bladder. I cannot have any sexual relations, I dont feel like walking and cannot enjoy what I did pre surgery and it is really impacting my life. My doctor told me it could take 6 weeks post surgery but everything I have read states the healing process is much shorter. Im wondering if I need a second opinion, I never had this problem before my surgery.
Your symptoms could be due to Non Bacterial Cystitis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query ,based on the facts and your complete health report that you have posted I would state that the pain in abdomen and burning urination that you have is likely to be due to what is termed as Non Bacterial Cystitis.
Non Bacterial Cystitis is characterized by inflammation of bladder mucosa due to chronic irritation which in your case is benign lesion in bladder and repeated episodes of UTI,with urethral stenosis and absence of any positive evidence of infection detected on laboratory tests.
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Are you in menopause ?
2) Are you diabetic?
Following measures should help to resolve your issue to some extent .
1) Drink adequate quantity of water .
2) Clean Self Intermittent Catheterization (CSIC) at home to empty the bladder completely .
3) Self urethral dilatation by a urethral dilator at frequent intervals to keep urethra wide open .
4) Anti muscuranic drug like Oxybutinine
twice daily .
5) Prophylactic antibiotics like Nitrofurantoin in small doses to prevent infection .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Thank you so much for your response. I am in medical menopause as I had a complete hysterectomy in 1999. I do take Estrodial, 1mg per day. I am not diabetic. How does one get Non bacterial cystitis? Is it common after a cystoscopy? How does it go away or will it go away? I did not have these symptoms prior to my cystoscopy and am really hoping for this to get better. I will look up the information you posted and will ask my doctor about it. I was prescribed Oxybutinine after my surgery but only took it for one day, thinking I would soon get better.
Again thank you for your response.
Cystoscopy does not cause Non Bacterial Cystitis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
The non bacterial cystitis is not due to bacterial infection but is due to inflammation of bladder mucosa due to chronic irritation ..Normally it does not get after cystoscopic examination .It may be just a coincidence .
Please continue taking Oxybutinine or Flavoxate twice daily .It will help to get relief from pain .
Do not worry it will get resolved .
Thanks and Regards.