Suggest Remedy For Swelling In Face
I have had a special blood test looking for it, it did not show there either. I am 68, other wise healthy, I use only a prescribed sleeping pill- prescribed nasal spray when required, and with this happening randomly I am very careful to keep uncongested.
Swellings all over body off and on ? HIVES/Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Swellings all over body off and on?HIVES/Under Investigation
Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Based on the facts of your query and its review with the health concerns you have,I would need more information from you as follows-
Since how long you have these swellings on face and throat?
Any times wheeze or Asthma with these attacks?
Most trouble is ,when the mouth gets swollen with breathing impaired sometimes?
Any old illnesses with diabetes / blood pressure?
Await more information as asked above.
Primary Impression-
Hives on face and Mouth area only.
Indicates cosmetics / or Food allergies-for nuts,chocolates,dairy products,fish,eggs.
Would reply after getting more detailed past and present information as asked above.
Welcome for any further query in this regard,to be replied in next session.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
Swellings all over Face and Mouth- off and on?HIVES/Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Swellings all over Face and Mouth- off and on?HIVES/Under Investigation
Hi,Dear,Thanks for your Updates.
Based on the facts of your Updates/Query and its review with Your health concerns ,In My opinion-as specific recurring Food Triggers or Allergens in the food Mostly ,are the cause of these hives in the Mouth and palate?
I would suggest you to study these food triggers,as these could be life endangering,when it occurs with your Soft Palate and that portion of the Mouth,as it encroaches on the Wind Passage.
Angioneurotic edema Reaction after Certain Food Contact in October/November,repetitively raises the alarm of risk this Month also.
In your case there seems to be Food Anaphylaxis with Mouth/Face Only.
When did face/Mouth swelling occur last with YOU?
Please update in next session
Treatment Suggested-
Get help of your doctor for the script of -
Tests For Food Intolerance-the only reliable way to protect against such a Food Allergy-to find out the Food Triggers/Allergens,to avoid its RISK.
Tab Antihistaminic-like Allegra-Fexofenadine 180 mg / day would take care of any such incoming attacks of Food allergy you could come across.
You need to keep your doctor on ALERT with readiness to be treated with Inj Epinephrine,in times of Endangering Food Allergy this month
Primary Impression-
Hives on face and Mouth area only.
Indicates cosmetics / or Food allergies-for Milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish, shellfish, wheat and soy -most common food triggers, cause 90 percent of allergic reactions; however, any food can trigger anaphylaxis.
Welcome for any further query in this regard,to be replied in next session.
Hope this satisfies your query.Will appreciate You,to write excellent Feedback Comments,to help the Needy Patient- Visitors,like you,at HCM
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
Face/Mouth Hives from Food Allergies./Under Treatment Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Final Brief Ans-Face/Mouth Hives from Food Allergies./Under Treatment Evaluation
Impression-Face/Mouth Hives from Food Allergies.Avoid the trigger foods in Pre-Xmas-Festive October and November
Hi,Dear,Thanks for the updates and confessions which relieved your worry after 10 long years of trouble,which could not be relieved after best of allergy tests there in your town.
Tab Allegra-Fexofenadine-180 mg every day 1 tab for next 30 days.
Keep Me updated,if need be and I would love you to help you out during next pre-festive season.
Follow all the other suggestions and care,as given above, in this coming November season.
Hope this reply has satisfied you.Will appreciate You,writing excellent feedback comments,to help the needy patient visitors like You,at HCM services.
Wishing fast recovery and Happy X-mas in Advance.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist