Suggest Remedy For Urinary Incontinence And Semen Leakage
Need investigations as advised.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
Noted your history carefully about some operation probably to widen urinary tract (urethra). Problem came back, leakage of urine and semen as explained by you.
Wants to know what can be done.
The most important factors that decide the treatment and possible cure is the most accurate diagnosis.
Hence I would advise you the following:
- Routine Tests of blood and urine, urine culture and sensitivity tests also.
- Ultrasonography of the abdomen to see if there are an sequel or complications like changes in the urinary bladder, hydronephrosis.
- Retrograde urethrography by means of passing a radio-opaque XXXXXXX in the urethra.
- Get a reference for an Urologist for clinical evaluation, to do urethroscopy and this may in some cases be treating by cutting the stricture to alleviate your symptoms.
I hope all these investigations are hte baseline to get an opinion and the further tests will depend upon the initial work-up.
I also hope that this answer helps you to get a proper diagnosis.