Suggest Severe Neck Pain And Muscle Fatigue
Posture modification along with exercises help
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query
I really appreciate your concern for your friend. As you have rightly pointed out the possible cause could be lack of exercises and poor posture. Based on the symptoms it looks to be severe stiffness of neck muscles along with pain in elbow and hand could be because of muscle fatigue. To confirm this please tell me-
1.Is he able to move neck sideway to full extent, is there any restriction of movement?
2.Is there any radiating pain from neck to upper limb with numbness and tingling sensation?
Meanwhile my suggestion for him are-
Hot water fomentation,Ibuprofen along with muscle relaxant drug cyclobenzapine helps in early recovery.Physiotherapy also helps.
Hope this helps and I shall be glad to answer any further query.
Answered by
Dr. Mukesh Chugh
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Joint Replacement
Practicing since :1997
Answered : 1619 Questions