Suggest Tests To Diagnose Thalassemia
Step wise evaluation...
Detailed Answer:
You have posted two questions. And my replies are;
1. Each laboratory have specific dispatching time. Most investigations are reported in a day and dispatched, while some may take couple of days to weeks time. You need to contact the laboratory authorities with specific test results to know if you can have reports in a day.
2. Thalassemia is a condition diagnosed systematically. We arrive at this diagnosis based on history, clinical examination and systematic investigations. If a person is suspected to have thalassemia, hemoglobin and peripheral smear examination are the first set of tests that is performed. Serum iron studies and electrophorosis / chromatography techniques are then performed to isolate the type of anemia. If the tests points towards thalassemia, genetic testing is performed to confirm the diagnosis.
In view of complexity of symptoms, it is better to get the test performed through a competent hematologist.
I would suggest that you visit a hematologist instead of visiting a laboratory to confirm your suspicion.
Hope i am clear.