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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting XXXXXXX and Ayurveda regarding your problem and going by your present complaint(s) I've come up with following observations:
1. any exposure to Heat/humidity, or history of under hydration i.e. giving/taking only 1-2 glasses of water per day,
dehydration is bound to happen,along with other channels of water loss i.e. sweat,breath,urine and stool.
2.In dehydration, along with water, salt is also lost so even simple plain water is not a good option.
3. because he remain under hydrated,this results in stools becoming dry and thus requiring greater strain while passing them, also dehydration causes the eyes to become dry (dry eyes)resulting in weak eye sight!!
4.You have not mentioned about symptoms associated with dehydration: [if any] any episodes of confusion,
headaches or dizziness?
5.Do check with healthcare provider [child specialist] there regarding any
electrolyte imbalance who may/will order some Lab tests for the same.
6.Avoid coffee,tea,salt,junk/processed food and HIGH protein rich diet
8.give plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses per day,which improves urine output, and re hydrates the skin (but if exposure to heat is more) add little of black pepper, lemon and salt to it or simply have ORS sachets or “Shadangpaniya” (available at all Ayurveda Stores) with you.
9.Cilantron juice (Coriander/Dhaniya) either purchased or made in home is an ideal drink.
10. Ashwagandharishta and Balarishta both 5ml-5ml (1tsf each) with equal amount of water after meals (after breakfast, and dinner)
12. Ushirasav 10ml (2tsf) after meals with equal amount of water (after lunch)
1. Principle is to have well balanced diet with more of proteins and more Calories with exercise, take more of cereals,legumes,daal egg,and eat fresh fruits regularly with sweet pulp like (banana, mango, chickoos, grapes)
2. To increase immunity:take banana, black grapes, orange, spinach, ginger, tomatoes, curd, take diet rich in
vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and
vitamin E (sunflower seeds, almonds,apricots,peanuts) which are rich in anti oxidants and thus helps in improvement of
Thymus function (associated with Immunity.)
3. Eat mixture of amla powder ½ spoon with 4 spoons of honey.
4. Juice of white onion 6ml with morning for weight,{In Ayurveda we hold that people when doing everything right,takes SLEEP regularly and that too after food he becomes FAT, so have a good stress free sleep after meals to gain weight
10. Treatment is to be directed towards increasing your Digestive Power, only preventive aspect is discussed, please revert back if you have any of the above concerns for further line of management and treatment
Dr. Munish Sood
MD. (Ayu.) Kayachikitsa
Consultant & Physician
Naimittika Clinic