Suggest The Positions To Sleep During 25 Weeks Of Pregnancy
My wife is 25 weeks pregnant now and she had some difficulty finding the right position to sleep . She preferred laying flat totally (face up) , however I found out from many website that this is the not so good position . Left seemed to have most benefit but baby seemed to kick more at that side and left give her more muscle ache. Could u advise on that?
What kind of stretching exercise are safe ?
position advised
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir, good to talk to you again. .
I'm deeply impressed with your knowledge and experience in noting the relevant information from net which is actually an art.
Yes left lateral position is the best position of sleeping and straight face up is not good at all.
In case she faces problems in that best in her interest will be to lie slightly on either side and keep a pillow with minimal thickness or just a folded bedsheet so as to lift that side Which will be equivalent to lying supine face up.
If at all she doesn't feel comfortable like this then you can keep a XXXXXXX below each leg of bed on the lower end of the bed with higher right side which will lift leg side of bed in right manner and thus pressure on blood vessels by gravid uterus will be relieved.
Physiotherapy is not going to help her and best is to change posture again and again like in 2-3 hours.
And ask her to keep counting fetal movements so that fetal wellbeing is ensured which is the best parameter.
All the best.