Suggest The Type Of Specialist To Consult For Retina Tears
You need a retina specialist or trained eye doctor
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic.
I am Dr. DADAPEER K, an Ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed your history. It seems from the history that you are having retinal tears requiring laser procedure.
Retinal tears requires laser application to prevent the development of retinal detachment. Hence this treatment is very important and you need to undergo it.
Coming to the procedure the laser is not a surgery proper it is a procedure and it is done as an out patient procedure in one or two settings depending on the requirement. The retinal tears are usually treated by application of laser through indirect ophthalmoscope attached to a laser alternatively a slit lamp attached to a laser can be used but the first one is preferred.
It is usually a painless procedure or can cause very limited discomfort.
It has to be done by a ophthalmologist (eye doctor) who is trained in laser procedure. Not all ophthalmologists are trained in this procedure. Retinal specialists are trained in this procedure and few ophthalmologists who have undergone training in laser will be able to do it.
Hence you need to go to a ophthalmologist who is trained in laser procedure or preferably a retina specialist for this procedure. Hence I advice you to go a trained person for proper treatment.
Hope this information is helpful to you.
Thank you
Treatment at UCLA EYE CENTER is preferred.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
It is better and always preferable to go to a established and reputed center for treatment. In you case I advice you to go to UCLA eye center.
Hope this information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards