Suggest Treatment For GERD
Additional treatment
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First of all please let me know the symptoms you had before endoscopy and after the treatment was started and now ?
What is improved and what is not improved?
What is the dose and timing of Domperidone you are taking?
Any other medicines you had taken ?
In the meantime I would suggest a few more thing which you might be practicing ::
Pepcid / Antacids every 3 to 4 hours when on empty stomach.
Add Domperidone or such motility regulators.
Soft bland diet.
No aerated colas / soda/ drinks.
Early dinner. No late nights.
Treatment for anxiety (as prescribed / needs a prescription by your Doctor)
Lying in a reclining position
Walk around after dinner.
Think of the factors which increased the present problem, GERD, anxiety and try to avoid.
If no relief, get a review Upper GI endoscopy done and get prescription for added Medicines.
This helps all my patients and should help you hopefully.
Domperidone 8 hourly strictly
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Thanks for your feedback.
The problem started as breathing difficulty - Are you taking any medicines for this too ? How is the breathing problem at the moment ?
Try Domperidone at 8 hourly interval- for example at 6 am - 2 pm - 10 pm irrespective of your food habit. This is given as a motility regulator and not for nausea and vomiting.
No since you are improving there will be no emergency.
Further information please.
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Oh, I see.
GERD was thought of and treated, but your basic problem is related to breathing.
Have you consulted a Physician or still better a Pulmonologist to exactly know what the diagnosis is?
Please give details about breathing problem, the diagnostic tests / X-ray done. Please post the PFT report in full.
This has to be taken seriously if you are getting a breathing problem almost daily although must have been relieved a bit,
Check-up by a Physician.
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The Report is not complete as they have not written anything in the comment section.
Good that the X-ray was normal. PFT is just an adjunct to the good clinical examination by a stethoscope done by a Physician.
Yes, I think we should rule out the actual respiratory problem also. This can be a primary problem in itself. Treatment of GERD alone is anyway not helping you completely.
I would advise you to Consult a MD- Physician or a Pulmonologist to have a proper clinical check-up and evaluation. You still have a respiratory problem daily as per your history.