Suggest Treatment For IBS Symptoms
It can be IBS but you need to exclude few things first
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to health care magic.
Based on the history you have shared, it seems like IBS and more likely IBS-C because most of the symptoms are favoring this diagnosis specially the stressers and anxiety history, however the only questionable thing being the age of onset. Normally IBS sets in before 60 years of age. also that it is a diagnosis of exclusion. To label it as IBS one definitely meets to rule out certain similar conditions through tests like stool analysis and microscopy to exclude infective causes and workup for food allergies like coeliec disease and lactose intolerance. A colonoscopy may also be needed in some cases to exclude IBD.
In any case, the first line of management aims at proper gut motility and using stool softeners for constipation and using opioid, loperamide or antispasmodics for loose motions like drotaverine or hyoscyamine. Using SSRI drugs like fluoxetine or drugs like Olanzapines have shown promising results. Do discuss all these options with your treating physician.
Meanwhile keep an eye on malabsorption symptoms. Using lactose and fructose free diets and using oligosaccharides rich diets will be beneficial. Use fibre rich diets and include ispaghol husk in the diet.
Hoping you a speedy recovery. If you dont have any more questions, please close the discussion. You can also reach me directly through my profile in future, in case of any more questions. Regards.