Question: my wife suffering from mdr tb, sputum for afb was 1+ on 23/10/2013 and ATT was started. subsequent drug sensitivity showed resistance to rifampcin and
INH. ATT satrted on MDR regimen wef 18/11/2013.
kanamycin 2ml IM, COXERIN 250mg, ETHINOMIDE 250mg, LEVOFLOX 750mg, ecox 800mg. pyrazinamyde 1250 mg(which is stopped for three months because of recurrent vomitings after intake of PZA.)
sputom for AFB was negative on date 23/01/2014, 26/01/2014/, 28/01/2014 and 11/03/2014...
Bronchoscopy and XXXXXXX was done on 12/03/2014 for some tests mentioned below
XXXXXXX AFB stain: result no AFB seen on ZN smear
XXXXXXX Modifeid AFB stain: negative
XXXXXXX fungal examination: no fungal element seen
XXXXXXX fungus culture: no growth of fungi after one week incubation
XXXXXXX hains 1st line: AFB stain -ve, identification MTC, resistance to antibiotics rifampcin and isonized.
cytology report: amears show bronchial
epithelial cells, macrographic and fair number of
leucocytes, no maligent cells seen.
XXXXXXX GRAM stain: ocasional gram negative bacilli seen
pus cell 10-12/lpf
epithelial cells 2-3/lpf.
this is the status. pease tell me wheter she is recovering or not? and gram -ve bacilli is harful or treatable? and what to do for pyrezinamide tablet is there any substitute for this?