Question: Mother just diagnosed with Stg 4
Lung Cancer, been treated with
Lymphoma since December,
internal bleeding, heart has STV, pet scan this past fri, going to do camera scope on wed, she is 72 yrs old, we are wondering if there is anything different that your facility might be able to do for her. She is a medicare patient and currently goes to OHC - Mercy at Jewish Hospital in Kenwood. She is hospitalized every time she has chemo treatments, also she has
blood clots in her lungs. Gets daily shots in her stomach. Dr. Ward (her lung cancer dr) we just met last week, thinks that the cancer has spread to other organs and that she is in a much more advanced stage. At this point, we are looking for options that maybe could help her. Tumors in lungs, 1 is 1.7 cm, 0.4, 0.3. On 1-2-14, she was in
ICU for 7 days, GI bleed (very serious). 9.5
hemoglobin, but is down from 10 something, believes that she is still bleeding internally even though we don\\\'t see it outside like before. Her last chemo was 12-24-13. Any help/suggestions? Could your facility potentially help her cancer? Also, separately, from my mom, Dr. Ward told us we might want to think about getting hospice involved, b/c apparently with internal bleeding, they really can\\\'t treat her unless it is possible to stop that. Your help/comments are appreciated. Thank you for your time.