Suggest Treatment For Staphylococcus Epidermidis Infection
I am at my wits end with this condition.
I suffer from what appears to be folliculitus. It started last year in December.
I was advised recently on this forum that the best way to eliminate this problem was to do a cultural and sensitivity test on the pus to identify the type of bacteria that was causing the problem.and to establish relevant antibiotics that would resolve this problem.
I did this test and the bacteria that was identified was Staphylococcus epidermidis.
I was also given a list of antibiotics that would work on this bacteria and they are:
1 - Azitromycyn
2 - Oxacillin
3 - Cefazolin
4 - Erythromycin
5 - Amoxicillin
My doctor prescribed me Erythromycin to take orally and cream to put directly on the problem area on my head.
I did this for 15 days and it cleared the problem totally. I was so happy after suffering so long with this problem.
I then stopped taking these medication because it had cleared totally. However after 5 days of stopping to take these antibiotics the problem has returned.
I am getting boils again on my head and it's getting painful.
When I stopped taking the antibiotics. I washed my hair with tar based shampoo that also contained small doses of coconut oil and salicylic acid.
Can anyone please advise me what I now need to do to eliminate this problem once and for all.. And more important to STOP it coming back!
I am getting so depressed over this problem and it's affecting my day to day life so much..
Thank you
Use drugs for longer periods, no bactericidal soap
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about this recurrent infections that you have reported. I am so happy to hear that you were able to record some success with the previous treatment. The germ isolated during this culture is a germ that is present on the body at all times. They are usually friendly and only get to cause problems if there is a disequilibrium in the skin flora that makes this bacteria to grow more and become a problem.
What products do you use for bathing? Do you use antispetic bathing soaps/gel or simply plain soapy gels without antibacterial actions? If they contain antibacterials, I will suggest that you stop and use simple and plain solutions. In the time being, step up your bodily hygiene and use this local antibiotic ointment for longer periods before stopping. This germ would always be there and all we can do is simply to regulate its growth and get it back into peaceful cohabitation on the body. When we use antiseptics, we selectively kill weaker germs and gives room to others like staph epidermidis to overgrow and cause harm.
In all, use the ointment for longer periods for up to a month. Follow up by using a non bactericidal soap/bathing lotion and finally step up your hygiene. These would help and let's review the success later.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services and do feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be.
You have not advised me anything specifically here for me to do. You mention mebtion onitment, what ointment?
I do not wash my body with any antibacterial soap
Erythromycin ointment!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this follow up response.
I am sorry you had difficulties grasping the content of my message.
1. This germ that was isolated on culture and you are being treated for is a normal germ on the skin. For it to have caused problems, it means there is a disequilibrium in the normal flora. One of the main causes is using antibacterial soap. However, you have denied using this and this is probably not the cause in your case. What remains true is that the flora is not in equilibrium. To address this, we would need to selectively kill the excess staph epidermidis and accord chances to the others to selectively grow. This is what happened when you took erythromycin. However, I believe the duration was not long enough to re-establish this balance. I will want to see you use the erythromycin cream(ointment) for longer periods. Discontinue the oral medications because they would create ore systemic side effects than local application for maintenance treatment.
In all, apply erythromycin ointment for longer periods. make it a month from start date and let's evaluate after by trying to stop. Stop oral erythromycin.
Let me know if this is clear to you. If not, I will not hesitate to rephrase the information. I wish you well.
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for following up with me.
My thinking now is that the cream would be able to selectively suppress uncontrollable growth of this germ and allow others to grow and re-establish the equilibrium. Let's give it a try and see what the results turn out to be.
I hope this helps. Hope this addresses your query but to be honest, you would have to exercise patience and stay positive while we continue to identify and establish a long lasting solution to this.
I wish you well.
See below!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for expressing your worries.
For how long have you been using this cream before attempting to stop? I have told you what the problem is and for sure there is no instant fix. We have to try to figure out ways of re-establishing the equilibrium. My suggestion is to increase the duration of use and make it even weeks after apparent resolution of this rash. This is very true as previous attempts to discontinue shortly after resolution of symptoms has failed. I will like you to try this suggestion. If you want an instant fix, am sorry I do not know of any such approaches to recommend any.
I hope this helps. I wish you well.