Suggest Treatment For UTI
Needs to evaluate in detail.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have repeated episodes of UTI i over a period of last 6 months and have been treated with antibiotics ,but unfortunately there is no much improvement in your symptoms.
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to make comments on your problem
1) Have you ever consulted Urologist ?
2) Have you done culture and sensitivity of urine ?
3)Have you done ultrasound scanning of abdomen ?
4)Are you in menopausal age ?
repeated episodes of UTI at this age is mostly due to what is called as Post Menopausal urethral stenosis where urethra passage gets narrowed as part of process of atrophy of Genito Urinary organs.that results in narrowing of urethral passage which in its turns causes incomplete emptying of bladder .This stagnated urine is the source of getting repeated episodes of UTI.
Please c onsult qualified Urologist for clinical assessment and get following basic tests done.
1) Urine routine and urine culture .
2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis
3) Endoscopic examination of bladder ( Cystoscopy)
if proved to be due to Post Menopausal stenosis he may do urethra calibration (widening of urethral passage) at the same sitting
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have more questions i shall be happy to address the same and help you.
Thanks and regards,