Suggest Treatment For A Friction Blister On The Penis Shaft
Detailed Answer:
hello and thank you for sending the question.
A friction blister on this part of the body will generally take 5 to 7 days to heal.
First of all you need to eliminate or decrease any additional friction for the next several days. This will certainly promote healing.
In addition a warm soak in a bath tub for 15 to 20 minutes once or twice per day will also provide some degree of relief and will promote healing.
lastly you could also try applying some aloe vera based topical cream to maintain hydration of the tissue and also promote healing.
If you happen to notice worsening of symptoms or if you have any leakage of fluid from the skin this is something you would want to discuss with your primary care doctor in addition to having a physical exam as well.
Thank you again for sending your question.