Suggest Treatment For A Rash On Inner Thigh
may be intertrigo, normally occurs in these areas
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
It does not appear to be molluscum. This would normally present with very raised lesions, typically dome shaped.
It is possible it may be due to intertrigo.
Intertrigo tends to occur in the body folds such as between the thighs.It can also occur in the groin area, under the breasts and in the axilla.
It occurs as a result of friction, heat and moisture in these areas.
Treatment involves: (1) the folds need to be kept as cool ,separated and dry as possible by the of absorbant powders, separation using cotton or linen material , fanning
(2)the use of barrier creams may also help eg zinc based creams such as desitin or triple paste
(3)since bacterial or fungal infection can also occur so the use of a topical antibiotic and topical antifungal would also help
These should be available over the counter
(4)in some cases the use of a topical steroid for 3 to 4 days may help to reduce the skin inflammation
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions