Suggest Treatment For Abdominal Pain, Flatulence And Bloating
Could be due to gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux
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Thanks for asking on Healthcaremagic.
I have gone carefully through the details. Unless there is a XXXXXXX ulcer, an upper GI endoscopy might not always identify signs of gastritis. Gastritis can be triggered by stress and emotional disturbance. My suggestions would be to:
* Ask her to take omeprazole once daily before breakfast. Try it for at least a week and see if it makes a difference.
* She has to avoid long gaps between meals. She should take small but frequent meals.
* Spicy food has to be avoided.
* She should discuss with her doctor about taking Prodep (fluoxetine) once daily for at least six weeks (it takes time for the action to set in). Although otherwise used for neurological or psychiatric purpose, this medicine can have a significant improvement in the complaint your daughter has.
A clinical examination was actually important but that is unfortunately beyond scope.
Regular morning walk is essential.
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No specific recommendations other the ones mentioned.
However, regular morning walk and physical exersie is very important in taking care of the problems.
A diet low in oil and spices.
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Thanks again for writing back. No definite suggestion on the diet except for:
* Keep it low in spices and oil. Minimize frying and use more of boiling.
* Plenty of green leafy vegetables and dietary fibers are to be included in the diet.
* Small but frequent meals are to be taken.