Suggest Treatment For Acidity, Gas, Heart Burn And Fullness In Stomach
GERD, Pantoprazole twice a day
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through the description you have provided. Your symptoms seem to be due to GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease).
In such cases I advise my patients to increase the dose of pantoprazole from once a day to twice a day. (pan D).
Along with pan d I would also suggest adding a prokinetic like levosulpuride to help with the symptoms.
Please consult your doctor for a prescription.
I would also suggest the following precautions
Avoid-- alcohol, Citrus fruits, mint and chocolate flavored food, red meat, deep fried foods and carbonated drinks.
I would recommend not lying down for at least three hours after meals and reducing tea and coffee to less than two cups per day.
Hope this helps
Dr Samir Patil
Detailed Answer:
Yes that's A good line of treatment. Also follow the dietary restrictions.
Dr Samir Patil
GERD isn't always chronic
Detailed Answer:
Don't worry; GERD is not a serious disease.
To put it in a simplified manner 1/3 of people with GERD lasting more than a month get complete relief with a 2 month course of medications, 1/3 might require intermittent medicines to control their symptoms and 1/3 require continuous treatment.
Hope I've been able to answer your question.
Dr Samir Patil