Suggest Treatment For Adjustment Disorder And Depressive Mood

He has become a vegetarian since March which is fine but has lost 20 lbs as he began to purge too like his girlfriend did. I have confronted him on several occasions doing this. In the last few weeks he seems to have stopped doing this and he seems to have an appetite again. His answer for purging was because he doesn't like how he looks.
I have found out he is drinking alcohol now at the party's he attended pre and post graduation and I found alcohol in his room this morning. He is drinking alone and has been for some time (so I just found out). We have a history of alcoholism on my husband's side (his mother and several of her brothers) He is sad, depressed, feeling despair. He is angry alot of the time. He has been seeing a councilor for 5 weeks now and his family Dr and he feels they have done nothing for him. He gets very angry when confronted with any issues re: rude behaviors,and he retreats to his room,punches walls, he treats all of us awful as he says we are the reason for his pain and if we would of helped him years ago (which we did take him to a psychologist then and have worked with teachers etc. took him to self esteem building camps when he was young but nothing worked as he says no one helps him. Has voiced suicide ideas but says he is too weak of a person to take his life. I know he wants help but he also just wants everyone to do it for him. His counselor right now says that she has been given him tools to read to help deal with his coping and strategies to use to help him cope (behavior modification) etc but he says she has done nothing for him. That has always been his personality. He has always had low self esteem, no confidence. He has always been pretty black and white with his thinking. He never would of lied to me in the past nor try and act out. He had few to little friends all his school life, never fit into group sports even though we have tried him in many sports throughout the years from hockey to soccer to cub scouts to rowing, to track and field, He does ref. hockey presently and is a lifeguard.
He has won many awards throughout school but has never felt happy about those achievements .
My son loved to run until he hurt his knee in a 15 km run this spring and has been going to physio since XXXXXXX to get it better but he is non compliant with doing the exercises at home that the physio recommended. Therefore he is no longer getting exercise that use to help relieve his stress
My husband and I have few friends where we live and only 2 elderly parents for family supports. My whole family lives a 4 hr fight away and his 2 brothers live 1 hr away but rarely come down to see his parents or us. Our 17 yr old daughter knows there are problems but we have tried to shield her from all that his happening with her brother. She just trying to overcompensate to help us all be happy. I could go on and on... We have no idea what to do .. we would do anything to help him. We are trying to get into counselling ourselves but on a waitlist for help and have met with my son's councilor but because he is 18 she cannot discuss anything with us about their sessions. I suggested to my son we go to counselling together and he says he likes to do it alone, we have discussed antidepressants but he knows he cannot drink if he is on them. He has never been on any medications in his life. Unsure maybe now he needs meds??? antidepressant or maybe something to help him focus and decrease his anxiety Therefore he is not sure he want to do this.... he wants help but yet he doesn't...
He has been accepted to go to a university into the engineering faculity in the fall 3.5 hrs away from here. Engineering is a very stressful course up here and am tremendously worried about this, but he is looking forward to this. He is anxious and not sure how he will cope there. We have told him he does not have to go if he is not ready. I am worried that all these non coping behaviors will only get worse and he will really plummet. He needs a change of place from here His life in this small community has not been a good thing and I know he needs to get away.
Not sure you can advise me but any advice would help me right now of how we proceed.
Thank you
Really a tough situation.
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Often in answering these it's best to go with what you know and then see where it leads after that.
Adjustment disorder with depressive aspects. college is going to be a change.. tough to say how it will work out.
In adjustment disorder with depression, however, counseling, social support, visting and seeing how things are going frequently and antidepressants are very very effective in adolescents BUT.. they've spawned a whole new drug industry of adding schizophrenic medication briefly (1-2 months) in addition to the antidepressant. Furthermore, zoloft and effexor are somewhat perhaps better and prozac is likely not as good in this situation.
Also, realizing the contingencies of what to do if the college situation is overly stressful in the first semester... if someone can easily take 1-2 semesters off due to depression and come back. Find that out right away. Also find out the psychological services (they have a LOT) at the college right away.

I am still puzzled as to what my husband and I can do more for him? My son was so remorseful after his big explosion with me yesterday - he just really wants help and yet nothing has ever worked in the past. So he is stuck and has lost trust in most of us/ Maybe if he gets in a better frame of mind he can see he needs to be part of the solution.?? Could the antidepressants help him to get to that place??
Is there such a thing as an antidepressant and something that helps him focus in the same medication? If so what is the name of that? I have heard of a med called Trintellix Is there one that is for young adults and is mild?
My husband worries about antidepressants as there are so many side effects and because we were both raised to cope on our own and solve problems without medications. We are open to what ever our son needs - I just know he cannot stay stuck in the place he is in right now.
anti depressant issues.
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It's been well known (but forgotten until recently with a study on teenagers just like your son) that frequently people are more zombified by the depression than the medication. On the one hand, motivation, concentration more often improve on them. On a downside, teens can have more energy to commit suicide when first on them. It is currently recommended to INCREASE monitoring in the first few weeks while on antidepressants. They don't interact with much and except for CYMBALTA WHICH IS DANGEROUS, they have a very high safety margin.
And they do not have much of an interaction with alcohol.
There is huge benefit seen by antidepressants so much so it is hard to see benefits from other things like psychotherapy or counseling. Still... benefit of social milieu/parental involvement/good economoics stable environment.

sounds similar to wellbutin
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this and wellbutin are one of the few antidepressants with any risk of seizures. It is fairly new and its effectiveness is not fully evaluated. Prozac has a very high safety margin BUT is associated with a small number of teens attempting suicide. While it perhaps increases energy faster and more than most antidepressants this has its pluses and minuses
Zoloft and effexor are safe and perhaps have less risk of decompensation. Oh yes, and vortioxetine (trintellix) works on under 50% of people (making it the worst I've ever seen).
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/0000 It's lowering of depression scores was small and overlapped with the effect of a fake pill.
"Vortioxetine is the first antidepressant agent to demonstrate meaningful clinical efficacy in the improvement of cognition in adults with MDD, independent of improvement in affective symptomatology."
Making it the first cognitive enhancing pill for non-dementia people. This is a finding that is holding up. It might only occur in people with cognitive problems from depression or it might work in .. well... me... I think I'll let you know!
It just isn't what I'd use on anyone as an antidepressant. They probably ALL work better on depression.

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Zoloft was one of many alternatives....
Effexor is certainly equivalent. Prozac and Paxil are also 90%+ effective but have some risk of increased suicide attempts..in which case a brief combination of another drug with Paxil or Prozac is generally done.
and I am not there and am giving general information...certainly I would need to be there and directly interact with a patient before giving specific information

several ideas
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compliment the doctor
say you have information but certainly trust his judgement.
put it into the framework of trusting his judgement and that you just need some information you've heard explained.

My son had come home from a 12 hr shift tonight and I asked him if he has started on the prozac He refuses to answer me He wants to be left alone he tells me it is none of my business and to stay out of his business. He got really angry and said I was trying to make him feel guilty I tried to explain where I was coming from - and he no longer wants to talk to me or my husband about anything. He says to stay out of his life. We are too controlling he says. He actually stopped talking to his Dad a couple of weeks ago. Won't acknowledge him at all - those 2 use to be so close. It's devastating to watch.
We found a book in his room today when we were trying to find the medication . He had made a journal entry from yesterday 50 reasons why not to eat and how to make yourself full without eating. He is 139.5 lbs and 5'6" (says that he is about in 53%ile range) He took pictures of himself and recorded all his measurements. He is spiraling out of control and I really don't know what to do This has all come on so fast. Can you help me at all of what we should do here?
could be worse
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Find what pharmacy is involved. You'll be able to see if he gets refills. On the one hand prozac has a bit of a bad reputation of increasing acting out with suicidal attempts (about 1% risk... so....let's put this into perspective) on the other it IS in the group of the most effective. It's actions take about a month to start. It is a dose likely to be effective.
Then....his weight is not low or risky. Frankly I was thinner, and trying to eat. Consider indirectly involving him in family activities. Cooking comes to mind. I dunno.......will he be able to avoid being interested in recipes involving dry ice?
Certainly provocative behavior like searching his room, yelling, screaming is going to be counter-productive. Might also mention that my withdrawn 22 year old really changed on anti-depressants (zoloft, not prozac...I'm consistent).
So.... giving space, saying "thank you" for behaviors that you want to encourage. Realizing that right now, isn't a good time to make decisions because things will change a lot soon. And having activities that he CAN be involved with but NOT FORCING him to be involved with.

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