Suggest Treatment For Benign PACS And Rare PVCs
please see details
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir
1. First thing in work up is that if you ever had any dangerous symptoms like loss of consciousness, blackout or unexplained fall. If they are present one must see the cardiologist on priority.
2. In absence of above symptoms, we should look for rhythm disturbance at time of palpitation. The modalities for this could be ECG, holter monitoring or loop recorder.
3. Third thing is to get an echo or cardiac ultrasound which will tell about structural heart disease.
4. APCs or VPCs in absence of structural heart disease do not carry any adverse prognosis. They are increased by alcohol, smoking, fever, anxiety, coffee, tea and some medicines. If excessive and symptomatic, they can be suppressed by simple medicines.
5. When we suddenly wake up especially from deep sleep heart rate normally accelerate and is normal.
I have had holter done 2 times. Always in sinus rhythm just showed mostly Pacs (925) in 48 hours and 15 PVCS. My resting heart rate sometimes goes down to 55 bpm. It went down to 41 bpm during sleep. Cardiologist also says it's normal
Echocardiogram showed structurally normal heart with some trace regurgitation.
Stress test was also normal
I do not drink alcohol or coffee. I only drink water. I do not take any medications. All my tests were done 2 months ago
Try to reduce your anxiety/ medicines will help.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
1. If you experienced palpitations when you were wearing the holter? If Yes, then you have palpitations because of benign premature contractions. APCs and VPCs occur in 2/3 rd of population on any given day. They are common phenomenon in normal subjects and is mostly without symptoms.
2. A Heart rate of 41 bpm during sleep is normal.
3. In view of all these facts, as mentioned by you, a simple addition of medicine which reduce sympathetic drive should help if symptoms are profound. Anxiety definitely contribute to them and you must understand the benign nature of these events and reduce your anxiety. For actual prescription of the single agent for these premature contractions , you must consult your internist / cardiologist.
Feel free to discuss further.
please see below.
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir.
1. Yes, normal individuals can have both APCs &VPCs.
2. None of them is dangerous as such. They are significant only if they indicate a seriousstructural heart disease or they initiate a serious rhythm disorder.
3. There is no number limit for nnormal APCs or VPCs.
4. For a healthy fit person , heart rate of 55 per minute is absolutely normal.
try to avoid thinking too much
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
1. Healthy and fit, pertains to the person who has no symptoms due to low heart rate and these are not present in your case.
2. You do not have structural heart disease as your ECHO is normal.
3. There is no evidence of serious rhythm disorder as per your holter report.
4. In general, none can judge or estimate the risk of these events in a given individual. These tests only tell you current state of affairs. Future predictions can not be made in a given individual. They are done only to explain your symptoms. you must try to avoid thinking too much over the issue and try to accept your cardiologist's advice. He is the best judge.