Suggest Treatment For Blepharitis
Also use warm compresses
Practical advises to treat blepharitis
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Blepharitis is a chronic problem that may take a long time to be resolved, and even when is resolved has a high risk of being exacerbated.
Treatment involves patient education about taking care of it for long time and need for long-term commitment to a therapy program involving lid hygiene. We recommend regular application of warm compresses, gentle lid massage, and lid washing.
We suggest topical or systemic antibiotics for more severe cases that do not respond to initial lid hygiene.
How to apply warm compresses- soak a wash cloth in warm (not scalding) water and place it over the eyes. As the wash cloth cools, it should be re-warmed and replaced for a total of five to ten minutes of soaking time. This is recommended two to four times a day during the acute phase and at a decreased frequency in the maintenance phase of treatment.
How to do lid massage- should be performed immediately following application of a warm compress. Either the wash cloth that was used for the compress or a clean fingertip should be used to gently massage the edge of the eyelid towards the eye with a gentle circular motion.
Lid washing- if you have accumulation of debris on the eyelashes, gentle wash the eyelid margins following use of the warm compress. Either warm water or very dilute baby shampoo can be placed on a clean wash cloth, gauze pad, or cotton swab. Vigorous washing should be avoided, as this may incite more irritation of the sensitive eyelid skin.
I hope this is helpful.
If worse or not better, I would recommend seeing a local doctor.
Let me know if you need more clarifications.
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Dr. Papaqako