Suggest Treatment For Blockage In Ear
I feel that my ear is blocked, not both, but just one ear. It happened suddenly.
Due to this blockage I am unable to hear properly. My blocked Ear has caused an effect on my hearing.
I feel it very irritating.
Please suggest me what can I do to stop the blockage in my ear. I am very worried.
if drops not working, ear can be syringed
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Blockage of the ear can be due to excess wax in the ear or infection.
If there are no other symptoms of infection such as pain, fever, discharge.
If it is related to excess wax then there are ear drops that would soften the wax so that it would come into the outer ear where it can be removed.
A q tip or other object should not be used into the middle ear to remove wax because can cause the wax to become compacted and also may introduce infection.
If the drops are not working well or fast enough then your doctor can syringe the ear.
Ear syringing is quick and easy and will remove the wax for you and allow you to hear well.
It can be done by any GP
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions