Suggest Treatment For Cough, Shortness Of Breath, Heart Burn And Bloating
Do you have any recommendations?
7 recommendations
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr MIttal
I have read your query
I think the symptoms are indeed suggestive of severe GERD
It may have worsened in flu because of the virus causing more gastitis.
I have read your are on PPI like neksium and prevacid.
But you are taking it once a day, hopefully on empty stomach half hour before food.
However there are many other things you need to do.
1. You can take a syrup of sucralfate. Taking 3 tsf of it 3 times a day will help.
2. Also, PPI effects last 24 hours. So when you take medicines in morning, the effects last till night and during night, the acid is formed in greater concentration. I suggest taking an antacid at night- I usually suggest Ranitidine 150 mg.
3. Take plenty of fluids- at least 2-3 litres should help.
4. Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea.
5. Avoid spicy, oily and non veg diet.
6. Keep the head end of the bed raised by 2 bricks so that acid reflux is reduced at night.
7. Have yourself tested for bronchitis formally by a pulmonologist. If you have bronchitis, inhalers like salbutamol will help you a lot.
I hope that helps. Best of luck.
Dr Mittal